Sunday, December 21, 2008

WebCT Instructions for taking a quiz (fyi)

Taking a quiz or survey

The quiz or survey appears in two frames. The left frame contains summary information, and the quiz or survey questions. The right frame contains information about how you are progressing.

Your progress

Information about your progress appears in the right frame:

* The time remaining for you to complete the quiz. Note: This appears for a quiz only. You may select either a dynamic (updates every second) or static (updates when you click Save answer) clock. The default clock is dynamic. You can change the clock option on your myWebCT page.
* The questions you have not answered (yellow dot).
* The questions you have answered and saved (blue check mark).
* The answered questions you have edited but not saved (red exclamation mark).

Answering questions

To save your answer to a question, click Save answer. Note: this will ensure that any work you do is not lost, in the event of any technical problems. This also allows you to revisit questions and make changes, if your instructor allows it.

Submitting a quiz or survey

1. To submit the quiz or survey, click Finish. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click OK. The Quizzes and Surveys screen appears.

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