Friday, December 26, 2008

Exam 2 scores and review (also TVM Tutorial posting)

Exam 2 scores have been posted to your WebCT account. Based on your responses to the last two questions, the majority of you prefer an on-line exam and everyone had enough time.

Please log on to WebCT to review Exam 2 (no audio/video clip review for Exam 2). Under "Test" you should now find another posting called "Exam 2 Review." Take this Exam 2 Review and the answers will appear when you submit the exam. We will try this method of review. Please contact me if you have any questions.

I also posted the TVM Tutorial completions. The good news is that most are in! Thank you. The TVM Tutorial is a course requirement (no bonus but don't forget about the Blog and Investment Problem bonus opportunities). If you have not turned in the TVM Tutorial, please watch the final deadline carefully.

Finally, a heads-up regarding Exam 3 and the final exam. Exam 3 will contain more material (more chapters) than exam 1 or exam 2. You will need keep up with the material to do well on exam 3 (just friendly advise). The final exam is cumulative and will cover all the material in this course (day 1 on...).

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