Friday, December 19, 2008

DECEMBER 19, 2008: EXAM 1 On-campus

*Exam 1 on Friday, September 19th at 10 AM to 11 AM in room 147 Business Building.
*The exam will cover chapters 1, 13, 14, and 15. Also, this exam will have emphasis on TVM.
*Please bring your UTA photo ID, a Scan-tran answer sheet (as specified in the syllabus), pencils, and your calculator (see exam instructions below).
*Exam 1 will be 50 or fewer multiple choice style questions.
*Bring your completed TVM tutorial (with original signed certificate page) OR your TVM prior completion form.

If you go to WebCT ( and log-in with your UTA user name and ID, you should find our class and your Exam 1 score (as a %) posted a couple days after the exam. I will make a blog post when the exam scores are uploaded to WebCT.

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