Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31, 2008: Assignment

*Chapter 11 (continued, this is a big chapter).

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 30, 2008: Assignment

*Read Chapters 19 and 11 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Monday, December 29, 2008

Office Hours by Appointment this Week

For the week (December 29th to January 3rd), office hours will be by appointment.

December 29, 2008: Assignment

*Read Chapter 10 view video/audio clip, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

December 27. 2008: Assignments

*Read Chapters 8 and 9 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Review Exam 2 on WebCT.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Exam 2 scores and review (also TVM Tutorial posting)

Exam 2 scores have been posted to your WebCT account. Based on your responses to the last two questions, the majority of you prefer an on-line exam and everyone had enough time.

Please log on to WebCT to review Exam 2 (no audio/video clip review for Exam 2). Under "Test" you should now find another posting called "Exam 2 Review." Take this Exam 2 Review and the answers will appear when you submit the exam. We will try this method of review. Please contact me if you have any questions.

I also posted the TVM Tutorial completions. The good news is that most are in! Thank you. The TVM Tutorial is a course requirement (no bonus but don't forget about the Blog and Investment Problem bonus opportunities). If you have not turned in the TVM Tutorial, please watch the final deadline carefully.

Finally, a heads-up regarding Exam 3 and the final exam. Exam 3 will contain more material (more chapters) than exam 1 or exam 2. You will need keep up with the material to do well on exam 3 (just friendly advise). The final exam is cumulative and will cover all the material in this course (day 1 on...).


Exam 2 is open now. You will have 90 minutes (11:30 AM) to complete it.

December 26, 2008: Exam 2 Online

*Exam 2 will be held online. Exam 2 will cover chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. This exam will be 50 true-false and multiple-choice style questions.
*You must log into WebCT promptly by 9:50 AM (exam will start at 10 AM) and you will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Exam 2 Rules

The online exam tomorrow is a closed book/no notes/no outside help. Same exam conditions as exam 1.

Also, please make sure that you have a reliable Internet connection for the exam.

Finally, submit the exam once, when you have finished. I will only grade your first submission if you submit more than once.

24 hours before Exam 2 Online

December 26, 2008: Exam 2 Online

December 25, 2008 Christmas Day

Happy Holiday

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24, 2008: Assignment

*Read Chapter 7 and view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008: Assignments

*Read Chapter 6 and view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Exam 2 coming soon. Make sure the date on your calendar.

Monday, December 22, 2008

December 22, 2008: Assignments

*Read Chapters 4 and 5 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Make sure you have the Exam 2 date on your calendar.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

WebCT Instructions for taking a quiz (fyi)

Taking a quiz or survey

The quiz or survey appears in two frames. The left frame contains summary information, and the quiz or survey questions. The right frame contains information about how you are progressing.

Your progress

Information about your progress appears in the right frame:

* The time remaining for you to complete the quiz. Note: This appears for a quiz only. You may select either a dynamic (updates every second) or static (updates when you click Save answer) clock. The default clock is dynamic. You can change the clock option on your myWebCT page.
* The questions you have not answered (yellow dot).
* The questions you have answered and saved (blue check mark).
* The answered questions you have edited but not saved (red exclamation mark).

Answering questions

To save your answer to a question, click Save answer. Note: this will ensure that any work you do is not lost, in the event of any technical problems. This also allows you to revisit questions and make changes, if your instructor allows it.

Submitting a quiz or survey

1. To submit the quiz or survey, click Finish. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click OK. The Quizzes and Surveys screen appears.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Practice Survey

Please log on to WebCT to take a quick (5 question) practice survey. Thank you.

Exam 2: December 26th Online (WebCT)

*Exam 2 will be held online. Exam 2 will cover chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. This exam will be 50 true-false or multiple-choice style questions.
*You must log into WebCT promptly by 9:50 AM (exam will start at 10 AM) and you will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Out of Office December 22nd to 25th

I will be out of the office December 22nd to December 25th. However, I will be checking e-mail. My next office hours will be December 26th from 2 to 4 PM.

December 20, 2008: Assignments

*Read Chapters 2 and 3 (lots of material in these chapters), view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Review Exam 1. Click on this link to download a WMV file.
*Individual exam scores will be posted on WebCT.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Exam 1 Grades Posted to WebCT

As promised, Exam 1 grades have been posted to WebCT before the end of the day. Please check you grade.

Thank you for making the exam very easy to administer today. I will need your full cooperation next Friday for the on-line exam. Have a good weekend.

Exam 1 Review Video Posted

The review video/audio clip for Exam 1 has been posted on our class homepage under the December 20, 2008 assignments. Please review this clip as soon as possible.

I am currently working on your grades and I hope to have individual exam scores posted to WebCT before I leave today. The class average was pretty good (around a 75%).

DECEMBER 19, 2008: EXAM 1 On-campus

*Exam 1 on Friday, September 19th at 10 AM to 11 AM in room 147 Business Building.
*The exam will cover chapters 1, 13, 14, and 15. Also, this exam will have emphasis on TVM.
*Please bring your UTA photo ID, a Scan-tran answer sheet (as specified in the syllabus), pencils, and your calculator (see exam instructions below).
*Exam 1 will be 50 or fewer multiple choice style questions.
*Bring your completed TVM tutorial (with original signed certificate page) OR your TVM prior completion form.

If you go to WebCT ( and log-in with your UTA user name and ID, you should find our class and your Exam 1 score (as a %) posted a couple days after the exam. I will make a blog post when the exam scores are uploaded to WebCT.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Calculator Survey on WebCT

I have posted a simple calculator survey on WebCT. Please log on to WebCT and take the calculator survey at your earliest convenience. If you do not see the calculator survey question on your WebCT account, please contact me at Thank you for your cooperation.

PS The "Calculator Survey" can be found under "Test" in WebCT.

24 hours before Exam 1

DECEMBER 19, 2008: EXAM 1 On-campus

December 18, 2008: Assignments

*Read chapter 15 and view video clip (as always, do end of the chapter problems and exercises).
Finish the TVM or the TVM prior completion form.
Complete the "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet problem sets 2 and 3. This is found near the Ch 14 materials.
*Read and watch the video clips for "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet. Complete problem set 3 (review video clips for answers).
*Send two pictures to if you like (not required). Include a picture of yourself and a picture that is important or of interest to you.
I will include these photos is the slide-show above. It is nice to get to know some faces, even thought this is an on-line class.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Exam Instructions

  • Please answer the following questions by selecting the best answer on your Scan-tron answer sheet. Be very careful of erasure marks. Your mark on the Scan-tron answer sheet is your final answer. I suggest circling all answers in your test booklet and filling in the answer sheet at the end. For the True/False questions, ‘A’ equals ‘True’ and ‘B’ equals ‘False.’ Please note:

    • Keep your quiz booklet closed until the quiz is officially started.
    • You will need a basic calculator (no manuals), pencils, and a Scan-tron answer sheet. Place your photo ID on the desk, photo-side up. Put all other materials away.
    • Do not share calculators during the exam.
    • Remove baseball caps.
    • Turn-off/put away all pagers/cell phones and other communication devices.
    • Write your name and ‘REAE 3325 Exam’ on the Scan-tron answer sheet.
    • You may mark (write-on) the exam booklets.
    • Do not look around the room or make any noise. If you have a question, raise your hand and I will come to you.
    • Keep your Scan-tron answer sheet and test booklet in front of you. (Don't let the person behind you look off your papers.)
    • Answer the questions that you know and return to the question you don’t know toward the end. Do not spend too much time on any one question.
    • Please watch your time as we must finish on-time.
    • Do not remove test booklets from classroom.
    • Concentrate and do your best. Good luck!

December 17, 2008: Assignments

*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).
*Read chapter 14 and view video clip (as always, do end of the chapter problems and exercises).
*Read and watch the video clips for the "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet. Complete problem set 2 (review video clips for answers).
*Double check and make sure that you have recorded the four exam dates and TVM deadline in your calendar.
*Continue with TVM tutorial or turn in a Prior Completion form you can bring the form to the first exam.
*Practice with your calculator (the time value of money menu).
-Make sure you know how to set your calculator's "payments per year" function.
-Know how to switch back and forth between "Begin Mode" and "End Mode."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Strategies for Success

For each chapter

Read the assigned text chapter and view any video clips posted on the class website as


Download the chapter notes (found on my website) and review the notes.

Try the end of chapter problems.

Download the answers to selected end of chapter problems (found on my website) and

review your answers.

Take notes during the video clips and rewrite/organize your notes afterwards.

Read the text chapter a second time.

Download and complete the chapter true/false questions and discussion questions.

Other study suggestions

Make flashcards.

Read your notes into a tape recorder (and playback).

Take notes as you read the text.

Combine (rewrite) your class notes and text notes into a single set of notes.

Study several hours per day everyday (do not wait until the night before the exam).

Study with a friend or small group (discuss terms and topics, try problems together, and

quiz each other). You could meet virtually in Second Life!

Do the case studies accompanying the text found on the student CD (not a requirement).

General comment

To protect your privacy, exam scores and final grades will not be posted in public spaces,

e-mailed, or released over the phone. I will post grades on WebCT.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Census Date is December 16, 2008

Please make note!

Office Hours this Week (2 to 4 PM)

I will have office hours this week (December 15-19) from 2 to 4 PM in room 631 Business Building.

I will post office hours on a weekly basis since they will change from week-to-week.

Exam 1 this Friday....

Just a heads-up. This Winter semester will move very fast.

TVM Tutorial Question

Student Question:
Mr. Hansz,
Will you please explain to me the TVM tutorial. Is it an online assignment or is it a class meeting? I have printed out the pink prior completion form and need to know, who exactly needs to sign it. Please let me know ASAP.


You purchase the TVM Tutorial at the campus bookstore. You work through a series of 13 spreadsheets. Print out each section when you are done and turn the hard copy in along with the TVM Certification page.

December 15 and 16, 2008: Assignments

*Check-in and send your current e-mail address to Dr. Hansz at
*Read the "General Information" section below.
*Read chapters 1 and 13 and view video clips for these chapters (as always, complete all end of chapter problems and exercises).
*Read and watch the video clips for the "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet. Complete problem sets 1 (review video clip for answers).
*Start the TVM tutorial.
*Record the four exam dates/times in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Important dates (put these dates in your calendar at the start of the semester! No make-up exams.):

*Friday, December 19, 2008 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM On-campus in room 147 Business Building.
*Suggest deadline for TVM Tutorial December 19, 2008.
*Friday, December 26, 2008 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM On-line (you must be on-line at 10 AM using a reliable Internet connection).
*Tuesday, January 6, 2009 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM On-campus in room 147 Business Building.
*Final deadline for TVM Tutorial, January 6, 2009.
*Final deadline for Blog Post Extra Credit assignment is January 6th (see syllabus, you are encouraged to post earlier).
*January 6th is the last day to drop a class.
*Monday, January 12, 2009 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM On-campus in room 147 Business Building. (cumulative final exam)
*Investment Problem Extra Credit will be held in conjunction with the final exam (see syllabus).

Orientation Assignment (Please do this before registering for the class or ASAP)

*Read and review this website.
*Visit the student blog site (blog will be setup for Winter session as soon as the Fall semester ends)
*Down load, print-out, and read the syllabus carefully.
*View Orientation video clip (1 hour 3 minutes).
*Purchase textbook, TVM tutorial, and financial calculator (you need to learn how to use your own financial calculator).
*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).

Saturday, December 13, 2008



  • This is an ONLINE LEARNING SECTION. Students registering for this section should be highly motivated, disciplined, and capable of self-study and independent learning. Also, you should expect to put in 50% to 100% more time into an online class over and above a traditional face-to-face class. If you have any doubts about your motivation, discipline, ability to learn independently, or available time, I highly recommend that you consider taking this course during a full semester where we offer several traditional face-to-face sections (mornings, afternoons, evenings, and even Saturday sections on occasion).
  • WINTER SESSION WARNING: This course will cover a lot of material and move very quickly. In fact, we will cover the same amount of material in this Winter Session as we do in a normal 16 week semester. This course should be your primary focus over the 4 week Winter Session period. Please note from the schedule posted below that the only days off are Sundays, Christmas Day, and New Years Day (although with the flexibility of this online format you can certainly set your own schedule and work ahead!). Also, you can start working right now (why wait until December 15th?). See assignments below.
  • THREE OF FOUR EXAMS WILL BE HELD ON CAMPUS! See below for examination dates and location (all on-campus exams will be held in room 147 Business Building). All exams will be objective style (multiple-choice) questions. Only the final exam is cumulative. In addition, there will be one Internet based exam. You must be available on-line for this exam (see exam dates and times below).
  • Your primary information sources for this course will be your (1) textbook, (2) video clips, (3) practice problems, and (4) student blog. In addition, I will have office hours for additional help. Please note that WebCT is used for posting grades only.
  • TVM ANNOUNCEMENT: You must complete the Time Value of Money (TVM) Finance Tutorial to receive credit for this course. The TVM Finance Tutorial is a Department requirement of all REAE 3325 and FINA 3313 students. If you have already completed the TVM Finance Tutorial in FINA 3313 you DO NOT have to do it a second time. You may submit a TVM Finance Tutorial prior completion sheet to Mr. Daniel Nguyen, Department of Finance and Real Estate, Room 424 COBA, Box 19449, Arlington TX 76019-0449. Click here to down load a pdf of the TVM Prior Completion Form.
  • FINANCIAL CALCULATOR: You will also need a basic financial calculator which can be purchased at the UTA bookstore, Wal-Mart, Circuit City, Fry's, and other retail outlets. Most students use a Texas Instruments (TI) or Hewlett Packard (HP) brand calculator. Exam 1 will cover the TVM material, so you need to move quickly on this.
  • VIDEO CLIP VIEWING INFORMATION: You must have a reliable computer, Internet connection, and a recent version of MS Internet Explorer (IE) browser (video clips can be viewed in IE only). For video clip viewing, the Firefox browser will not work. I cannot help you with any technical problems so please look into your available resources before registering for the course. If you have trouble with your computer, Internet connection, or browser, this distance learning format will not be convenient to you. You can reach the University HelpDesk at (817) 272-2208 or e-mail Or, visit the HelpDesk in person at the first floor of the Main Library (the best way if you are on campus).

Welcome Winter Semester REAE 3325Online Students!

With Winter Intersession starting next week, it is time to get started with REAE 3325Online immediately. Please make sure you have found the main REAE3325Online homepage for Winter Intersession (go to and click on the link for REAE 3325Online Winter Intersession).

The first thing you need to complete is the online orientation (via a video/audio clip and download the course syllabus). Also, please check this blog on a daily basis for announcements and updates.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Final Exam Grades Posted on WebCT

Just a quick note to let you know that final exam grades have been posted to WebCT.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Preliminary Final Grades Posted

Just fyi, I have more to post but I put up your preliminary final course grade on WebCT. These Grades include any extra points from the Blog Post Bonus and Investment Problem Bonus.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Final Exam in 24 hours

Cumulative Final Exam: Saturday, December 6th from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

*Must bring Scan-tron, financial calculator, pencils, and student ID to all exams.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Final Exam Room Change (Now Room 142)

The College of Business will be holding a Graduate Forum this Saturday in room 147 (our exam room). Therefore, our final exam will be moved right around the corner to room 142. I will put up signs on Saturday morning to make sure everyone finds the room.

No Office Hours This Thursday

Just fyi. I will be off-campus this Thursday and will not be able to hold office hours from 2 to 4 PM. As always, I will be checking e-mail.

Week 15 Assignments

Week 15 (December 1, 2008): Final Exam Week and/or Investment Problem Bonus
*Continue with Chapter 16 (the final is comprehensive but I will give extra emphasis to Ch. 16) and read Chapter 20, view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc.
(the usual routine for each chapter).
*FINAL EXAM (and Investment Problem Bonus option) is schedule for Saturday, December 6th at 10 AM in room 147. Please bring your photo ID, pencils, Scan-tron form, and calculator.
The final is cumulative but emphasis will be placed on Chapter 16. It is not mandatory if you do not want or need to improve your three exam scores.
(It is mandatory if you missed one of the three prior exams.)