Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Student Question: Do you do a review before each exam?

The answer to this question is 'no.' I will post an on-line video review of each exam about a day or two AFTER each examination is taken.

If a topic or chapter is not important, I do not include it on the syllabus (you can see that pretty much the entire text is important). Furthermore, each of the chapters are generally equally important (although the I have budgeted extra time for Chapter 13 Residential and Commercial Property Financing and Chapter 11 Real Estate Appraisal due to the large amount of material in these chapters).

Since I want you to study and learn all the material that we cover, any review would pretty much have to cover all the lectures and text material. If I tell you before an exam that only these five topics, a-b-c-d-e, will be on the exam, I think most of you would only study a-b-c-d-e and disregard the rest of the material. Since I feel that all the material is important and I want you to learn and study these topics, I am not going to reveal specific topics or questions in advanced. Examinations are a sampling process. For examination preparation and study tips, please refer to page 9 of the syllabus.

Also note the number of chapters we cover for each exam (only the final exam is cumulative). Exam 1 covers the fewest chapters (4 total), followed by exam 2 (6 total), and exam 3 (8 chapters). This is intentional. I want to start out by focusing on fewer chapters to give you a chance to get up to speed on the math and time-value-of-money calculations, but the amount of material for each exam will progressively increase as the semester progresses.

Good question.

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