Monday, August 25, 2008

IMPORTANT! Please make sure you are enrolled

VERY IMPORTANT: Please verify with your MyMav student account that you are registered for this course. You need to be registered for this course to receive a grade.

Also, note that this course is not registered under Distance Learning and there is no additional distance learning fee associated with this course. The course is entirely administered through the website and this course blog (WebCT is used only for posting grades after each exam and will not be setup until after the first exam date).

I am doing all the website adminisitration myself. I polled students last Spring and asked if they would have preferred a little more polished website administration with a corresponding fee. The response, overwelhming, was that the website and format was functional and to keep it the same.

If any of you younger tech savy hot shots have any suggestions for improvements, I am all ears (send me an e-mail). I am pushing 40 years-old, but I am doing my best to keep up with technology and you kids. I cannot guarantee that I can implement suggestions immediately but I will definately take note of any suggestions for future course development.

You will have a chance to submit annoymous evaluations of this course and format before the start of the third exam. Unless I hear othwise from you (the students), I will keep the format the same and continue to do all the website work myself (and not charge any additional fees).

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