Thursday, June 4, 2009

Student Question on Underwriting Video Clip

Answer to student question:

I am watching the clip right now and it appears to be ok. However, it did look like there was a problem with the very first slide. Let it run for a couple minutes and you should see the second slide.

If you have further difficulty, please let me know. This material is fair game on the first exam and final exam.


J. Andrew Hansz, Ph.D., CFA
Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Real Estate
University of Texas, Arlington
Box 19449
Arlington, TX 76019

House for sale near UTA campus. See


Dr. Hansz,

I was viewing the video clip for Chapter 13 yesterday. I wanted to let you know that on the last video for the chapter 13, Buyer Qualifications, the slides were not all working. I saw the first couple of slides, but as you clicked through them, the page became blank. The two problems on qualifying the buyer that you presented, I was not able to view. Will there be problems on the test like the ones you presented? I checked the powerpoint slides and did not see the problems on the slides. I do not think that there is a problem with my computer, as I have been able to see all the other slides on the video as you present them, but I could be wrong. Just wondering if you have heard from other students about not being able to see the slides.

Thank you,

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