Monday, June 29, 2009


Exam 3 contains a large amount of information. Although we will take a couple weeks to cover the material, you must keep up with the assignments each day going forward.

Also, it is important to remember that the final exam is cumulative (will cover the entire course).

TVM Tutorial Completions Posted to WebCT

Your TVM Tutorial status (complete or no complete) has been posted to WebCT.

TVM Tutorial Completions Posted to WebCT

You TVM Tutorial status has been posted to WebCT.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

WEEK 5: June 29th

*Review Exam 2 on-line. Link will be posted on the course blog.
*Read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*If you are interested in pursuing the Investment Problem Bonus Option, please review the Investment Problem clips this week.
(You will need to start practicing the IP now. Please note that for the IP Exam, you will receive the IP assumption only and you will have to work through the problem without any template or notes.)

Exam 2 Results Posted to WebCT

Exam 2 results have been posted to WebCT. We will use WebCT to review Exam 2 (no audio/video clip for Exam 2).

At your convenience, please log on to WebCT and you will find a new "Exam 2 Review" exam setup under the WebCT category of "Tests." Please take this exam again as a review. You may now submit answers until you choose the correct answer. This review will be available until the end of the summer semester.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Exam 2 On-line this Saturday

Please have your UTA student ID ready and available during the on-line exam on Saturday. Thank you. jah

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Exam 2 On-line this Saturday

Exam 2, our on-line exam, will be administered through WebCT this Saturday starting at 9:50 AM. Please logon at 9:50 AM sharp (please note that you may need to refresh your WebCT browser to view Exam 2).

I have a posted a short, three question survey for a little practice with WebCT testing procedures.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

GTA Contact Information:

Mr. Seo is our Graduate Teaching Assistant for REAE 3325 Online. His main responsibilities will include time-value-of-money tutoring, TVM tutorial grading, and examination administration and grading.

Seo was the TVM Tutor for the Department of Finance and Real Estate so he is an expert with this aspect of the course. If you have any questions about time-value-of-money or the TVM tutorial, you may contact him at You can converse by e-mail, phone, or make a face-to-face appointment. If you would like Seo to call you, please include you phone number in the e-mail.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Exam 2 Scores and Online Practice Module on WebCT

Exam 1 grades have been posted to WebCT. Your WebCT scores include a one question curve. Your grade was calculated by taking the number of correct questions and adding one. This amount is the numerator and the denominator is the total number of questions (35 total questions). All of the exam statistics for the class are also posted on WebCT.

I have not posted TVM completion status. Please give until the end of next week to post TVM completions.

This coming Saturday is Exam 2, our one on-line exam. I have created a very short, three question practice model to make sure we are all using WebCT correctly. When you check your exam score, please go t0 the assignments and tests section and complete this three question model (should take you no more than a minute). Thanks!

WEEK 4: June 22nd with EXAM 2 on Saturday, June 27th On-line

                *Review Exam 1 on-line. Link will be posted on the course blog.
*Individual exam scores will be posted on WebCT.
*Read Chapters 5, 6, and 7 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Exam 2 will be held online on Saturday, June 27th at 10 AM to 11 AM. Exam 2 will cover chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
*This exam will be 50 or fewer true-false and multiple-choice style questions.
*You must log into WebCT promptly by 9:50 AM (exam will start at 10 AM).

Exam 1 Review Posted

I have just posted the link for the exam 1 review. You can find this link on our course homepage under the Week 5 assignments.

To link to the exam review wmv file directly, please go to

Thanks to everyone for being prepared for exam 1. From an administrative standpoint it went very smoothly.

Seo and I are currently working on grading the exams. I hope to have your Exam 1 scores posted by Sunday night.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Student Question: Qualifying the Buyer

Answer to student question (below):

Let me know if you had any technical difficulties viewing this video. One student has so far but I checked it and it seems to be ok.

The answer to Qualifying the Buyer Problem 1 is on the bottom of the course homepage and pasted below. PI stands for Principle and Interest which is call the 'Debt Service' or mortgage payment. This is calculated using your calculator based on the terms of the mortgage. The MHE starts with PI and adds items like monthly property taxes, insurance, homeowners association dues, and mortgage insurance, if applicable.

Qualifying the Buyer Problem 1:

PI=$614.30 (n=260, i%=.10/12, PV=70,000, FV=0, solve for PMT)

MHE = $614.230+ $84+$21+$24=$743.30



MDR= MHE/SMI = $743.30/$3,440=.2161 --> Make the loan

TDR=TMD/SMI=$1,188.30/$3,440=.3454 ---> Make the loan

Student Question:
On problem 1, in the video for Mortgage Underwriting, i am having extreme difficulty in trying to figure out how you came up with the MHE of $743.22. I'm not sure if i'm completely missing something, but i cant find any information in the text and i have tried several ways of adding up the numbers to try and get even close to that number. Also, what is meant when you say "debt service of $614.23?" Please explain how to calculate MHE. Thanks!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

WEEK 3: June 15th with EXAM 1 on Saturday, June 20th On-campus

*Read Chapters 2, 3, and 4 (lots of material in these chapters), view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Chapters 2, 3, and 4 will be on EXAM 2 but you will need to cover these chapters at the beginning of Week 3.
                *Exam 1 on Saturday, June 20th at 10 AM to 11 AM in room 147 Business Building.
*The exam will cover chapters 1, 13, 14, and 15. Also, this exam will have emphasis on TVM.
*The TVM Tutorials are due at the start of the exam 10 AM on June 20th.
*Please bring your UTA photo ID, a Scan-tran answer sheet (as specified in the syllabus), pencils, and your calculator (see exam instructions below).
*Exam 1 will be 50 or fewer multiple choice style questions.
*Bring your completed TVM tutorial (with original signed certificate page) OR your TVM prior completion form.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

WebCT Setup

WebCT is now setup for the course. Please remember that we only use WebCT for posting grades and administering EXAM 2 online. Never contact me through WebCT e-mail. Always use

Please log-on to your WebCT and verify that you are enrolled in the course.

Thank you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week 2: June 8th

*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).
*Read chapter 14 and view video clip (as always, do end of the chapter problems and exercises).
*Read and watch the video clips for the "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet. Complete problem set 2 (review video clips for answers).
*Double check and make sure that you have recorded the four exam dates and TVM deadline in your calendar.
*Continue with TVM tutorial or turn in a Prior Completion form at the start of the first exam.
*Practice with your calculator (the time value of money menu).
-Make sure you know how to set your calculator's "payments per year" function.
-Know how to switch back and forth between "Begin Mode" and "End Mode."
*Read chapter 15 and view video clip (as always, do end of the chapter problems and exercises).
*Finish the TVM or the TVM prior completion form.
*Complete the "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet problem sets 2 and 3. This is found near the Ch 14 materials.
*Read and watch the video clips for "Review Materials for Real Estate" pdf packet. Complete problem set 3 (review video clips for answers).
*Send two pictures to if you like (not required). Include a picture of yourself and a picture that is important or of interest to you.  
I will include these photos is the slide-show above. It is nice to get to know some faces, even thought this is an on-line class.

Census Date

Census Date is Monday, June 8, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Grade Posting Information

GRADES will be posted on WebCT. (login using your UTA username and password) Please do not call or e-mail requesting grades!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Student Question on Underwriting Video Clip

Answer to student question:

I am watching the clip right now and it appears to be ok. However, it did look like there was a problem with the very first slide. Let it run for a couple minutes and you should see the second slide.

If you have further difficulty, please let me know. This material is fair game on the first exam and final exam.


J. Andrew Hansz, Ph.D., CFA
Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Real Estate
University of Texas, Arlington
Box 19449
Arlington, TX 76019

House for sale near UTA campus. See


Dr. Hansz,

I was viewing the video clip for Chapter 13 yesterday. I wanted to let you know that on the last video for the chapter 13, Buyer Qualifications, the slides were not all working. I saw the first couple of slides, but as you clicked through them, the page became blank. The two problems on qualifying the buyer that you presented, I was not able to view. Will there be problems on the test like the ones you presented? I checked the powerpoint slides and did not see the problems on the slides. I do not think that there is a problem with my computer, as I have been able to see all the other slides on the video as you present them, but I could be wrong. Just wondering if you have heard from other students about not being able to see the slides.

Thank you,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dr. Hansz's Office Hours: M W 2 to 4 PM

My office hours will be from 2 to 4 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please note, I will not have office hours on June 15, 17, 22, and 24.

Student Question: WebCT

Answer to Student Question:

The class will be added after the Census date. No grades yet so we will not need WebCT for the time being. jah

J. Andrew Hansz, Ph.D., CFA
Associate Professor
Department of Finance and Real Estate
University of Texas, Arlington
Box 19449
Arlington, TX 76019

House for sale near UTA campus. See

Student Question:
I understand WebCT will only be used for posting/checking grades, but I am not able to see the class through WebCT. It is not there. I called the helpdesk and they told me to check with you to see if you've uploaded the class to WebCT for student view. Please advise. Thanks in advance.