Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome Summer 2009 8-Week Session Students

Welcome to REAE 3325 On-line for Summer 2009 (8-Week Session).

To get started please send an e-mail to Dr. Hansz at Please use this e-mail only (and no need to copy me with any other of my e-mail addresses).

Next, visit the course homepage at Click on the link for REAE 3325 Online Summer 2009. Please read the material at the top of the website carefully then find the syllabus and orientation video/audio clip. If you e-mail me questions that are covered on the orientation clip, I will ask you to review the orientation clip again.

Finally, please make note of all the examination times and locations. Three of the four exams will be held on-campus and all exams will be administered on Saturdays starting at 10 AM.

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