Saturday, February 7, 2009

General Exam Instructions:

Please answer the following questions by selecting the best answer on your Scan-tron answer sheet. Be very careful of erasure marks. Your mark on the Scan-tron answer sheet is your final answer. I suggest circling all answers in your test booklet and filling in the answer sheet at the end. For the True/False questions, ‘A’ equals ‘True’ and ‘B’ equals ‘False.’ Please note: 
Keep your quiz booklet closed until the quiz is officially started.
You will need a basic calculator (no manuals), pencils, and a Scan-tron answer sheet. Place your photo ID on the desk, photo-side up. Put all other materials away.
Do not share calculators during the exam.
Remove baseball caps.
Turn-off/put away all pagers/cell phones and other communication devices.
Write your name and ‘REAE 3325 Exam’ on the Scan-tron answer sheet.
You may mark (write-on) the exam booklets.
Do not look around the room or make any noise. If you have a question, raise your hand and I will come to you.
Keep your Scan-tron answer sheet and test booklet in front of you. (Don't let the person behind you look off your papers.)
Answer the questions that you know and return to the question you don’t know toward the end. Do not spend too much time on any one question.
Please watch your time as we must finish on-time.
Do not remove test booklets from classroom.
Concentrate and do your best. Good luck!

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