Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Strategies for REAE 3325 Online Success

For each chapter
• Read the assigned text chapter and view any video clips posted on the class website as
• Download the chapter notes (found on my website) and review the notes.
• Try the end of chapter problems.
• Download the answers to selected end of chapter problems (found on my website) and
review your answers.
• Take notes during the video clips and rewrite/organize your notes afterwards.
• Read the text chapter a second time.
• Download and complete the chapter true/false questions and discussion questions.
Other study suggestions
• Make flashcards.
• Read your notes into a tape recorder (and playback).
• Take notes as you read the text.
• Combine (rewrite) your class notes and text notes into a single set of notes.
• Study several hours per day everyday (do not wait until the night before the exam).
• Study with a friend or small group (discuss terms and topics, try problems together, and
quiz each other). You could meet virtually in Second Life!
• Do the case studies accompanying the text found on the student CD (not a requirement).
General comment
• To protect your privacy, exam scores and final grades will not be posted in public spaces,
e-mailed, or released over the phone. I will post grades on WebCT.

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