Friday, January 30, 2009

TVM Tutor Hours

The Time Value of Money Tutor, Mr. Seo, has posted his office hours for Spring 2009. The TVM Lab is located in room 501 Business Building and the phone number is (817) 272-0499. The hours are as follows:

Monday 7 to 9 PM
Tuesday 3 to 5 PM
Wednesday 9 AM to noon
Saturday 9 AM to noon

If you have any problems located the TVM tutor during office hours, please contact the Department Office at (817) 272-3705 or stop by room 434.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Office Hours

My office hours are as follows:

Tuesdays, Thursdays from 2 PM to 4 PM

However, due to conflicting meetings and conference travel, I will not hold office hours the following days this semester.

Tuesday, March 3rd and Thursday, March 5th
Tuesday, March 31st and Thursday, April 2nd
Tuesday, April 14th

Sunday, January 25, 2009

TVM submission reminders

You have many options to submit the TVM tutorial or TVM prior completion form. The easiest might be to just turn in either the tutorial or prior completion form at the start of the exam. Otherwise, you are welcome to drop the tutorial or prior completion off at my office (Room 651) or the Department of Finance and Real Estate office (Room 434, M-F from 9 AM to 5 PM).

PLEASE NOTE! If you are submitting the TVM PRIOR COMPLETION FORM, you must include the year and semester that you took FINA 3313. If you do not include this information, our department administrative assistant will not accept the form and return it to me. I have already had one form returned. Thanks!

Week 2 (January 26, 2009):

*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).
*Read chapter 14 and view video clip (as always, do end of the chapter problems and exercises).
*Double check and make sure that you have recorded the four exam dates and TVM deadline in your calendar.
*Continue with TVM tutorial or turn in a Prior Completion form to Dr. Hansz or the Department (room 434) or send by mail.
*Practice with your calculator (the time value of money menu).
-Make sure you know how to set your calculator's "payments per year" function.
-Know how to switch back and forth between "Begin Mode" and "End Mode."

Chapter 13 Updates...

As I am sure you have already recognized, Chapter 13 in our text is out of date. The problem with updating Chapter 13, however, is that we are currently experiencing historic changes (both in magnitude and speed) in our real estate financing system and updating Chapter 13 is very difficult at this point. Basically, we need to update Chapter 13 by watching the news, C-Span, and reading about current events. Also, we should study the 'old' system of real estate finance to understand this systems advantages, but also the moral hazards that it had created.

Last semester, one of our graduate students wrote an interesting blog post on the sub-prime mortgage crises that triggered much of this financial turmoil, domestically and globally. I would like to start our updating of Chapter 13 by asking you to read this post (link below). Thank you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Office hours start next week

I will not be in the office most of this week (had a little surgery on Monday and still recovering). I will start office hours next week and announce the TVM tutor's office hours soon, hopefully. Remember, it is a good strategy in this course to attach the TVM tutorial and TVM material early in the semester. Exam 1 is loaded with TVM questions.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Strategies for REAE 3325 Online Success

For each chapter
• Read the assigned text chapter and view any video clips posted on the class website as
• Download the chapter notes (found on my website) and review the notes.
• Try the end of chapter problems.
• Download the answers to selected end of chapter problems (found on my website) and
review your answers.
• Take notes during the video clips and rewrite/organize your notes afterwards.
• Read the text chapter a second time.
• Download and complete the chapter true/false questions and discussion questions.
Other study suggestions
• Make flashcards.
• Read your notes into a tape recorder (and playback).
• Take notes as you read the text.
• Combine (rewrite) your class notes and text notes into a single set of notes.
• Study several hours per day everyday (do not wait until the night before the exam).
• Study with a friend or small group (discuss terms and topics, try problems together, and
quiz each other). You could meet virtually in Second Life!
• Do the case studies accompanying the text found on the student CD (not a requirement).
General comment
• To protect your privacy, exam scores and final grades will not be posted in public spaces,
e-mailed, or released over the phone. I will post grades on WebCT.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Read this First!


* This is an ONLINE LEARNING SECTION. Students registering for this section should be highly motivated, disciplined, and capable of self-study and independent learning. Also, you should expect to put in 50% to 100% more time into an online class over and above a traditional face-to-face class. If you have any doubts about your motivation, discipline, ability to learn independently, or available time, I highly recommend that you consider taking one of the other five traditional face-to-face section of REAE 3325 (offered mornings, afternoons, and evenings).
* FOUR EXAMS WILL BE HELD ON CAMPUS! See below for examination dates and location (all exams will be held in room 147 Business Building). All exams will be objective style (multiple-choice) questions. Only the final exam is cumulative.
* Your primary information sources for this course will be your (1) textbook, (2) video clips, (3) practice problems, and (4) student blog. In addition, I will have office hours for additional help. Please note that WebCT is used for posting grades only.
* TVM ANNOUNCEMENT: You must complete the Time Value of Money (TVM) Finance Tutorial to receive credit for this course. The TVM Finance Tutorial is a Department requirement of all REAE 3325 and FINA 3313 students. The TVM Finance Tutorial must be purchased at the UTA Bookstore (cost around $12). You need to purchase this from the UTA Bookstore because it comes with an original certification page you must submit with printouts of all sections. If you have already completed the TVM Finance Tutorial in FINA 3313 you DO NOT have to do it a second time. You may submit a TVM Finance Tutorial prior completion sheet to Dr. Hansz, Department of Finance and Real Estate, Room 424 COBA, Box 19449, Arlington TX 76019-0449.
* FINANCIAL CALCULATOR: You will also need a basic financial calculator which can be purchased at the UTA bookstore, Wal-Mart, Circuit City, Fry's, and other retail outlets. Most students use a Texas Instruments (TI) or Hewlett Packard (HP) brand calculator.
* VIDEO CLIP VIEWING INFORMATION: You must have a reliable computer, Internet connection, and a recent version of MS Internet Explorer (IE) browser (video clips can be viewed in IE only). For video clip viewing, the Firefox browser will not work. I cannot help you with any technical problems so please look into your available resources before registering for the course. If you have trouble with your computer, Internet connection, or browser, this distance learning format will not be convenient to you. You can reach the University HelpDesk at (817) 272-2208 or e-mail Or, visit the HelpDesk in person at the first floor of the Main Library (the best way if you are on campus).

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 1 (January 20, 2009):

*Read chapters 1 and 13 and view video clips for these chapters (as always, complete all end of chapter problems and exercises).
*Start the TVM tutorial.
*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date). No make-up exams, but don't forget that you get to drop your one lowest exam score.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Important dates: Please record

Put these dates in your calendar at the start of the semester! No make-up exams.
*Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM On-campus in room 147 Business Building.
*Suggest deadline for TVM Tutorial February 14, 2009 (Exam 1 contains the TVM material!).
*Saturday, March 14, 2009 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM On-campus in room 147 Business Building.
*Last day to drop a class is April 3rd.
*Saturday, April 25, 2009 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM On-campus in room 147 Business Building.
*Final deadline for TVM Tutorial, April 25, 2009.
*Final deadline for Blog Post Extra Credit assignment is April 25th (see syllabus, you are encouraged to post earlier).
*Saturday, May 9, 2009 10:00 AM to 12:20 PM On-campus in room 147 Business Building. (cumulative final exam)
*Investment Problem Extra Credit will be held in conjunction with the final exam (see syllabus).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Orientation Assignments (please complete ASAP)

Orientation Assignment (Please do this before registering for the class or ASAP.)
*Read and review this website.
*Record the four exam dates in your calendar (also include the TVM deadline date).
*Visit the student blog site (blog will be setup for Spring session as soon as the Winter semester ends)
*Down load, print-out, and read the syllabus carefully. Will be updated soon.
*View Orientation video clip (1 hour 3 minutes).
*Purchase textbook, TVM tutorial, and financial calculator (you need to learn how to use your own financial calculator).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009



* This is an ONLINE LEARNING SECTION. Students registering for this section should be highly motivated, disciplined, and capable of self-study and independent learning. Also, you should expect to put in 50% to 100% more time into an online class over and above a traditional face-to-face class. If you have any doubts about your motivation, discipline, ability to learn independently, or available time, I highly recommend that you consider taking one of the other five traditional face-to-face section of REAE 3325 (offered mornings, afternoons, and evenings).
* FOUR EXAMS WILL BE HELD ON CAMPUS! See below for examination dates and location (all exams will be held in room 147 Business Building). All exams will be objective style (multiple-choice) questions. Only the final exam is cumulative.
* Your primary information sources for this course will be your (1) textbook, (2) video clips, (3) practice problems, and (4) student blog. In addition, I will have office hours for additional help. Please note that WebCT is used for posting grades only.
* TVM ANNOUNCEMENT: You must complete the Time Value of Money (TVM) Finance Tutorial to receive credit for this course. The TVM Finance Tutorial is a Department requirement of all REAE 3325 and FINA 3313 students. The TVM Finance Tutorial must be purchased at the UTA Bookstore (cost around $12). You need to purchase this from the UTA Bookstore because it comes with an original certification page you must submit with printouts of all sections. If you have already completed the TVM Finance Tutorial in FINA 3313 you DO NOT have to do it a second time. You may submit a TVM Finance Tutorial prior completion sheet to Dr. Hansz, Department of Finance and Real Estate, Room 424 COBA, Box 19449, Arlington TX 76019-0449.
* FINANCIAL CALCULATOR: You will also need a basic financial calculator which can be purchased at the UTA bookstore, Wal-Mart, Circuit City, Fry's, and other retail outlets. Most students use a Texas Instruments (TI) or Hewlett Packard (HP) brand calculator.
* VIDEO CLIP VIEWING INFORMATION: You must have a reliable computer, Internet connection, and a recent version of MS Internet Explorer (IE) browser (video clips can be viewed in IE only). For video clip viewing, the Firefox browser will not work. I cannot help you with any technical problems so please look into your available resources before registering for the course. If you have trouble with your computer, Internet connection, or browser, this distance learning format will not be convenient to you. You can reach the University HelpDesk at (817) 272-2208 or e-mail Or, visit the HelpDesk in person at the first floor of the Main Library (the best way if you are on campus).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Final Course Grades and Final Exam Grades Posted

I have posted your final course letter grades and the grades for the final exam. Please note regarding the final, final exam grades were calculated by taking the number of questions you had correct and dividing by 90. Also note, your final course grade includes any blog post or investment problem bonus, if applicable.

January 12, 2009: Final Exam and Investment Problem Bonus

*FINAL EXAM (and Investment Problem Bonus option) is schedule for Monday, January 12th at 10 AM to 12:30 PM in room 147.
*Please bring your photo ID, pencils, Scan-tron form, and calculator.
*The final is cumulative but emphasis will be placed on Chapter 16.
*The final exam is not mandatory if you do not want or need to improve your three exam scores. It is mandatory if you missed one of the three prior exams.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

24 hours before Final Exam

January 12, 2009: Final Exam and Investment Problem Bonus

Saturday, January 10, 2009

January 10, 2009: Assignments

*Study day for final. Also, you could be working on the Investment Problem.
*Review Investment Problem (IP) clips, if applicable.

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009: Assignments

*Study day for final. Also, you could be working on the Investment Problem.
*Review Investment Problem (IP) clips, if applicable.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009: Assignments

*Read Chapter 20, view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine).
*Review Investment Problem (IP) clips. This is an optional bonus problem that will be part of the final exam.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7, 2009: Assignments

*Review Exam 3. Click on this link to download a WMV file.
*Read Chapters 16 (the final is comprehensive but I will give extra emphasis to Ch. 16), view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bonus Blog Submission: Sustainability has Created Career Opportunites in Real Estate

In recent years, Sustainability and the concept of "Green" buildings has become a very important objective in all facets of Real Estate. Most of the large Commercial Real Estate firms have set objectives to become "carbon neutral" in the next 2-3 years. It makes perfect sense, commercial office buildings are the largest consumers of natural resources such as land, water, and energy sources. The construction of an office building may displace trees, animal habitats, and add material waste to landfills. In an effort to ensure global acceptance of sustainability, certain governmental entities such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and non-governmental agencies such as the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) have created third-party programs to assist Owners of Real Estate achieve "Green." EPA implemented the Energy Star Program. Once certain criteria are met, the property will obtain an Energy Star Compliance placard and signage for the entry of the building. This program is typically for existing buildings. A few years ago, the U.S. Green Building Council established the LEED rating system. This system is for all Real Estate; new or existing, commerical or residential. An owner may choose which level that they would like to achieve. This is somewhat directly correlated with the rent rates or payback that they can achieve on a particular project. Some of the measures to be "green" can involve large upfront costs. Once image and budget goals are established, the building can be designed or retrofitted to be "Green." Energy Star and LEED can be a strong marketing tool and is sought by prospective owners and tenants. The LEED system has opened many job opportunities within the realm of Real Estate. LEED is becoming widely utilized among, architects, real estate managers, designers, engineers, construction managers, lenders, and government offices. Any of the above mentioned disciplines may obtain a LEED accredited professional (AP) designation. Some firms are requiring certain managers to obtain the accreditation as part of their professional development program. Consulting firms have added LEED as a service and able to charge premium hourly fees upwards of $150 per hour for their interpretation and design services. If you are interested in pursuing a LEED AP designation or applying for LEED on a property, please visit the website. A study guide may be purchased for $250. In order to successfully prepare for the exam, you must commit to studying the material 40-60 hours. There are also online courses, webinars and private workshops to help prepare for the exam. The exam is administered at a proctoring firm for $200-300. As with other professional designations, there are continuing education credits that will need to be maintained on an annual basis.

More information may be obtained at the following web sites: and

Stephanie Miller

Blog Bonus Submission: Andrea Green

Fort Worth has been the fastest growing city in the United States for 3 years now and it continues to grow. There is now over 700,000 people and land prices continue to rise, making an ever increasing condo market. The condo market is growing at a steady rate with over 10 new condos in the last 5 years. The Fort Worth Business press stated in 2006 "Fort Worth is bucking the trend". The condo market is currently expanding with a new Omni hotel coming to town. The Omni will stand adjacent to the Fort Worth Convention center and provide food, entertainment, hotel rooms, and condos. The Hotel itself has been designed by HOK, a Dallas-based global architectural firm that specializes in designing buildings in communities. Very proud of the design, the smallest 1 bedroom 1 bath is listed at 406,900. Concerns from the locals are rising as the stock market continues to plunge and many downtown condos remain vacant. LeBijou , the Neil P, Montgomery Plaza and the Towers are still having troubles selling their condos. It is extremely hard to get approved for these condos; but stand assured with the values of land increasing. Experts believe that the condo market will recover and more condos will be built. Bill King, a local real estate broker, tells me he has heard of a W hotel coming to Fort Worth. Sales of Fort Worth condos are still at a high. So don’t let this opportunity escape because experts still believe it is a good investment.
The mayor's wife's dinner 2008
Local realestate agents & brokers, Bill King & Misty Henry

Exam 3 Review

The exam 3 review has been posted to our course homepage. Just go to tomorrow's assignment list.

Send me an e-mail or visit during office hours if you have any questions.

Exam 3 Grades Posted to WebCT

Exam 3 grades have been posted to WebCT.

There was a 2 question curve. Let me explain...

There were a total of 44 question on the exam, but I calculated your grade based on 42 total points. Essentially, this is a two question curve (you can toss out 2, but only two, questions). For example, if you had 25 questions correct, your grade is calculated as 25/42 or 59.52%.

I will be posting the Exam 3 review video/audio clip shortly.

January 6, 2009 EXAM 3 (January 6th is also the last day to drop a class)

*EXAM 3 Tuesday, January 6th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in Room 147. Exam 3 will cover chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 19.
Please bring your PHOTO ID, pencils, calculator, and Scan-tron answer sheet.
*TVM Tutorial Final Deadline. Please turn-in at 10 AM. You must complete this or I have to give you an automatic 'F' for the course.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Office Hours This Week

I will have office hours this week from 2 PM to 4 PM. Cheers!

24 hours before Exam 3

January 6, 2009 EXAM 3 (January 6th is also the last day to drop a class)

January 5, 2009: Assignment

*Chapter 18 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009: Assignment

*Chapter 17 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2, 2009: Assignment

*Read Chapters 11 (continued) and 12 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 1, 2009 Happy New Year

Happy New Year!