Saturday, October 18, 2008

Exam 2 Results and Review

The scores for Exam 2 have been uploaded to WebCT. Good job on Exam 2. The class average was 77%.

There was a one question curve (2.5% points) added to your score. Grades were calculated as the number of correct answers plus one divided by 40 (the total number of questions). You can think of the curve as getting a free pass on one (and only one) question.

The exam review audio/video clip has also been uploaded. The link can be found in next week's assignments.

A few words about Exam 3. First, make sure you have the exam 3 date in your schedule. Exam 3 will cover a lot of material. You really need to keep up with the work each week to do well on exam 3! Please keep this in mind.

Also, we had several students who missed the first exam and exam 2. It you missed two exams, it is mathematically impossible to pass this course. If you are facing this situation, you need to drop the course or you will automatically receive a 'F' as a final grade. Please watch the undergraduate drop date carefully.

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