Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drop Deadline is Friday

Tomorrow is the drop date deadline. We still have several students who missed both the first and second exams. You cannot miss two exams and pass the course. I have made an attempt to contact these students via UTA e-mail several weeks ago. If you need to drop and have not dropped, you need to drop now. Just a friendly final reminder!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 10 Assignments

Week 10 (October 27, 2008):
*Read Chapters 10 and 19 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

October 31st Last Day to Drop a Class

Friday, October 24, 2008

Dprofiler session Saturday if anyone is interested

REAE@UTA will be hosting Doug Maiden Saturday at 11 AM. Doug will be demonstrating a program called Dprofiler which is an amazing piece of technology for anyone interested in real estate development. For more information see:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mid-semester grades

I was asked by the University about a month ago to submit mid-semester grades for 20 students. I submitted the mid-semester grades several weeks ago so these grades are based on Exam 1 only. Just fyi.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 9 Assignments

Week 9 (October 20, 2008):
*Review Exam 2. Click on this link to download a WMV file. (Link will be provided a few days after the exam 2.)
*Read Chapters 8 and 9 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Exam 2 Results and Review

The scores for Exam 2 have been uploaded to WebCT. Good job on Exam 2. The class average was 77%.

There was a one question curve (2.5% points) added to your score. Grades were calculated as the number of correct answers plus one divided by 40 (the total number of questions). You can think of the curve as getting a free pass on one (and only one) question.

The exam review audio/video clip has also been uploaded. The link can be found in next week's assignments.

A few words about Exam 3. First, make sure you have the exam 3 date in your schedule. Exam 3 will cover a lot of material. You really need to keep up with the work each week to do well on exam 3! Please keep this in mind.

Also, we had several students who missed the first exam and exam 2. It you missed two exams, it is mathematically impossible to pass this course. If you are facing this situation, you need to drop the course or you will automatically receive a 'F' as a final grade. Please watch the undergraduate drop date carefully.

New Urbanism Event on Campus (free to students)

The Congress on New Urbanism

New Directions: A traditional green future for north Texas
a one day symposium and discussion

Friday October 24

School of Architecture
The University of Texas at Arlington

8:30am -- 5:30 pm

Free and open to students, faculty and staff

No prior registration required

Speakers include:

Jon Hockenyos
expert in economics and public policy

Peter Swift
dynamic leader in the area of walk-able communities

John Norquist
former mayor of Milwaukee, author, and expert in urban issues

Steve Mouzon
author, architect, and President of the New Urban Guild and Original Green.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Student Question

Dr. Hansz,

Will there be any TVM on the test on Saturday?

Brad Motley

Looking at our chapters for exam 2, I don't see a lot of TVM applications but there are certainly calculation problems (see the prior post).

Student Question - General

What calculations will we need to be able to do?


You are responsible for all the material in the assigned chapters. Now, I can safely say that there will not be as many calculation problems as the first exam but you definitely need to bring your calculator. There will be calculation problems on exam 2. Think about some of the topics we covered recently, property taxes, zoning requirements, leases, closing costs,...

Exam 2 in 24 Hours

Exam 2 (Saturday, October 18th from 10 AM to 11:00 AM Room 147)*

*Must bring Scan-tron, financial calculator, pencils, and student ID to all exams.

Please arrive 10-minutes early so we can set up the classroom and start at 10 AM sharp.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Student Question - Property Tax Calculation

Hi Dr. Hansz,

Can you please explain how the answer to chapter 4, number three in the short answer question is $415,600? How do you get to this answer? Thank you in advance for your help.


LaTanya Morgan-Diaz


Hi LaTanya,

I think you were referring to question number 2 from the Chapter 4 short answer questions. The question is,

2. What is the implied market value of a property that qualifies for a $25,000 homestead exemption in jurisdiction that levies a 24.5 mill tax rate if the annual property tax bill for the property is $9,569.70? Note: I think we can assume, because it was not specified in the question, that assessed value is 100% of the market value estimate (like it is in Texas).

Let me give you another example and see if you can figure out the answer to question 2 base on the example below (hint just work backwards):

A property has an ad valorem value of $475,0000 in a state that requires a 50% assessment ratio (Texas's assessment ratio is 100% but let's use 50% to make it interesting). The property owner qualifies for two exemptions. First, the owner qualifies for a homestead exemption of $25,000. Second, the owner also qualifies for an additional $12,000 exemption because she is over the age of 60. The property tax rates for the jurisdiction are as follows:

County tax 4 mills

School district 11 mills

Hospital 2 mills

Fire department 1 mill

Total tax rate 18 mills or .018 (18/1000)

STEP 1: Calculate the assessed value.

Ad valorem value x assessment ratio = assessed value

$475,000 x .50 = $237,500

STEP 2: Calculate the taxable value.

Assessed value - exemptions = taxable value

$237,500 - ($25,000 + $12,000) = $200,500

STEP 3: Calculate the property tax due.

Taxable value x millage rate = property tax due

$200,500 x .018 = $3,609.00

Week 8 Assignments

Week 8 (October 13, 2008): Exam 2 Week
*Read Chapter 7 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Review for EXAM 2.
*Exam 2 on Saturday, October 18th 10 AM in room 147 Business Building. Exam 2 will cover chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Please bring your photo ID,
pencils, calculator, and Scan-tron answer sheet (exam will be 50 or fewer multiple-choice style questions).

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Exam 2: One Week Notice

Exam 2 (Saturday, October 18th from 10 AM to 11:00 AM Room 147)*

*Must bring Scan-tron, financial calculator, pencils, and student ID to all exams.

Please arrive 10-minutes early so we can set up the classroom and start at 10 AM sharp.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

No Office Hours Today

I will be attending the Financial Management Association (FMA) conference today and will not make my office hours from 2 to 4 PM today. I will be checking e-mail and my phone.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Exam 2 Coming UP

Just a heads-up. Exam 2 is coming up. A week from this Saturday.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 7 Assignments

Week 7 (October 6, 2008):
*Read Chapter 4, 5, 6 view video/audio clips, do practice problems etc. (the usual routine for each chapter).
*Exam 2 coming soon. Make sure the date is on your calendar.