Monday, September 15, 2008

Week 4 Assignment

Week 4 (September 15, 2008): Exam 1 Week
Read Chapter 15. Make sure you understand mortgage payments, mortgage balances, and loan amortization.
Make sure you have the exam 1 date (see below), time, and location in your schedule.
*Exam 1 on Saturday, September 20th at 10 AM in room 147 Business Building. The exam will cover chapters 1, 13, 14, and 15. Also, this exam will have emphasis on TVM.
*Please bring your UTA photo ID, a Scan-tran answer sheet (as specified in the syllabus), pencils, and your calculator (see additional exam instructions below).
Exam 1 will be 50 or fewer multiple choice style questions.


Anonymous said...

Why does it say room 241 and then right bellow it says room 147?

Andrew Hansz PhD CFA MAI said...

Thank you! It is room 147 . I have to remove the 241 references.