Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Strategies for Success

For each chapter

Read the assigned text chapter and view any video clips posted on the class website as


Download the chapter notes (found on my website) and review the notes.

Try the end of chapter problems.

Download the answers to selected end of chapter problems (found on my website) and

review your answers.

Take notes during the video clips and rewrite/organize your notes afterwards.

Read the text chapter a second time.

Download and complete the chapter true/false questions and discussion questions.

Other study suggestions

Make flashcards.

Read your notes into a tape recorder (and playback).

Take notes as you read the text.

Combine (rewrite) your class notes and text notes into a single set of notes.

Study several hours per day everyday (do not wait until the night before the exam).

Study with a friend or small group (discuss terms and topics, try problems together, and

quiz each other). You could meet virtually in Second Life!

Do the case studies accompanying the text found on the student CD (not a requirement).

General comment

To protect your privacy, exam scores and final grades will not be posted in public spaces,

e-mailed, or released over the phone. I will post grades on WebCT.

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